Custom Courses &
Mentorship Program

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Mentorship Program for RMT's

Why choose a mentorship program?

Skill Development: Denise has 30 years of experience, skill training and teaching experience to help customize your skill growing skills and professional development.

Build Confidence: Denise and her team will provide support, feedback and reassurance in your growing skills and development. Teaching you how to assert yourself with clients and colleagues.

Accountability: We will help you set personal and professional goals, then hold you accountable to achieving those goals, ensuring you stay on track. 

Networking Opportunities: Collaborate with professionals in the industry, potentially leading to job opportunities, referrals and collaborations. 

Personal Growth: Denise and her team can offer different perspectives and advice to help overcome personal challenges as they grow. 


What is the Structure and Cost?

$200 per month (one-year contract)              

$350 per monthly no contract

Membership Includes:

1:1 Mentorship call per month.

Access to all online classes and recordings 

Discounts on workshops/seminars

Customized goal-setting coaching. 

Intuitive Healing Guidance

Self Healing online classes

Posture Perfect series classes for clients and self healing. 

Instructor Training for qualified members


Mentorship Courses/CEU's

Anatomy Review

Orthopedic Testing Review

Static Crystal Release

Biotensegrity Assessment

Integrating Intuition

The science behind Meridian Lines

Custom Workshops for Manual Therapists: Massage Therapists/Chiropractor/Physiotherapy

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