Our cupping course stands out from competitors in several key ways, making it a comprehensive and transformative experience for practitioners. Unlike traditional courses focusing solely on cupping techniques, we take a holistic approach beyond the basics. We teach you how to integrate tensegrity structure into your everyday massages, giving you the opportunity to save your body and begin your journey to advanced palpation skills.

Our courses are a blend of online prep courses to ensure your in-class time is packed with skill development to prepare you to advance your treatments the moment you head back to clinic.
As a teacher in the Massage Therapy Program, I understand how difficult it can be to learn new skills over a few days and hope to become a skilled practitioner, it takes slow learning, a lot of practice and a strong mentor. Our course does not end after you leave the classroom, we offer an additional 6 weeks of online mentor coaching to ensure you have integrated your skills and get over any speed bumps you may encounter.

Level 1 Biotensegrity cupping is the prerequisite for a certification as a NeuroRevivie practitioner. Each level builds upon each other allowing you time to integrate new techniques, body mechanics, business practices and intuition training to decide if applying for a NR certification is right for you.

After completing level 1, you will be able to identify layers in the body from bone tension, lymphatic stagnation, advanced fascia connections to advanced trigger point release. Level one is jam-packed with foundation skills that can be integrated into any RMT’s practice.

We offer extensive business training in level 5, but we don’t make you wait. It’s not easy to self-advocate your worth as a therapist as you gain experience and learn within a mentorship study, we help you build the confidence needed to charge more for your services and have your clients excited to be in the hands of a skilled practitioner.

Elevating your practice to new Heights

In level 1 we teach you how to palpate layers in the body, different types of inflammation, and begin listening to the body. In this class, we ramp up your listening skills through easy-to-apply assessment skills that can be integrated into the everyday massage. Learning a new technique can be fun and exciting; however, acquiring the skill to understand how to apply it in different clinical situations can be far more challenging.

We prioritize advancing your communication skills to strengthen the therapist-client connection. Gain confidence in articulating the benefits of your work, fostering a more profound understanding between your clients. Your newfound skills will enhance both your professional confidence and self-worth as a skilled massage therapist.

Biotensegrity isn’t just a term-it’s a profound understanding of how the entire body is intricately connected. We introduce you to the manual osteopathic approach to healing, becoming an osteopathic-informed massage therapist.

With a simple-to-use assessment of the full-body biotensegrity connections and a local assessment of tissues and joints, you will be equipped with the skills to integrate an osteopathic approach into your practice.

As you begin to see your client’s results shifting at a rapid pace, it’s only natural to feel excited to learn how to continue to clear their physical, and energetic blockages. The body continuously unwinds itself like a game of Jenga, and blockages surface at the most unexpected times. We introduce you to the cutting-edge concepts of NeuroRevive, as we unravel the intricate patterns contributing to chronic pain. Learn to systematically address and unwind these patterns to restore balance and vitality.

This course marks the awakening of your intuitive talents. You’ll become aware of your unique gifts through specialized exercises and guidance and learn how to harness them in your practice. Discover the profound impact of blending intuition with technique. Uncover the art of seamlessly blending theoretical knowledge with intuitive listening skills. Understand how to read the body’s messages and incorporate your intuitive insights into your therapeutic approach.

Explore how to incorporate other tools and techniques from your diverse range of learned courses. We guide you in making these tools uniquely yours, aligning them with your intuitive superpower for a genuinely personalized and impactful healing practice.

You will not only be proficient in unwinding chronic pain but also possess the skills to empower your clients on their self-healing journey. This course marks a significant milestone in your career as you refine your touch, embrace your intuitive talents, and master the art of harmonizing theory and practice.

As you progress, you will notice an increasing demand from your clients for exercises and homecare to rebuild their bodies and sustain the transformative results you have helped them achieve.

Move beyond pain relief to focus on building strength and functionality. We teach you strategies to help clients sustain the positive results of your intervention. Providing effective treatments and exercises is fundamental, but we teach you how to empower your clients to participate actively in their well-being journey. Many clients seek guidance on exercises and often require ongoing support and motivation to stay committed.

This course focuses on the importance of incorporating health coaching into your practice, going beyond the exercises you learn, and guiding and supporting clients to implement these practices into their daily lives. Here, you will be provided with valuable resources to enhance your coaching skills, equipping you to effectively communicate the significance of self managing your health.

We prepare you for Level 5, where you begin to create a plan for your long-term massage career and choose how you will ensure a long career without damaging your body while earning an income that resonates with your skills and hard work and dedication to the practice.
When you see unprecedented results with your clients, it’s easy to feel confident in your work and value.

Putting it all together; get paid your worth.

Remembering Anatomy can be a lifelong journey for the RMT. Join in the free Anatomy class to help assist in your lifelong pursuit of learning. 

Level 1

Introduction to Biotesengrity Massage


Level 2

Confident Biotensegrity Assessment and Treatment


Level 3

Unwinding Chronic Pain and the power of Self Healing


Level 4

Rebuilding your Client’s strength


Level 5

Business Mastery


Anatomy Review

Free Anatomy Review

Unchain your Pain

A comprehensive guide to help your patients understand what causes chronic myofascial pain so they feel empowered to self manage their healing journey.

(Book Coming Soon)

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